Pucon, Caburgua, Lindavista part 2 & life stories - Reisverslag uit Pucón, Chili van Daniel Higginbotham - WaarBenJij.nu Pucon, Caburgua, Lindavista part 2 & life stories - Reisverslag uit Pucón, Chili van Daniel Higginbotham - WaarBenJij.nu

Pucon, Caburgua, Lindavista part 2 & life stories

Door: Daniel Higginbotham

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Daniel

16 Juli 2017 | Chili, Pucón

Long time has past that I wrote here last.

Intuitive poem:

Beautiful Chile leaving me with smiling tears
Unleashing many challenges to overcome my deepest fears
Missing loved ones a lot from time to time
Still many mountains left to climb
Loving every second of life, so thankful to all
My soul & spirit are on a duty call
Can I find my way to serve all of you
Look into the mirror my eyes turn to a beautiful shade of blue
Although I still have lots to learn
I still have many unwritten pages to turn
There are also many things I can already do
As long as I keep my heart pure & true
Thanks to all the people I already know
You have given me a place to grow
Thanks to all the people I am yet to meet
You will lead me into a new street
Thanks to all animals, aliens & all chrystaels too
Keeping planets together with a bit of glue
Although closest I will always be to me
Silenced but growing like an amazing oak tree
Crazy in love with life & my surroundings
Reflect to my experiences & my foundings
To find my biggest illness is an incredible syndrome
The syndrome of love that always helps me to return home.

So thankful for a simple key Regina gave me, that opens a whole world of beauty. The first semester has ended, some downtime now. An extremely hard period has come to pass, but nothing I cannot handle, I find myself in a circle of very beautiful people, that help, guide & support. Although the most important one is plain, simple, very ordinary me lol :-).

Went to the mountainhouse yet again & it has been an incredible moment of reflection, that came in the exact right time, because I really needed it! Thank you Regi, thank you nature, thanks to me for executing the plan. The silence, the surroundings & animals healed my soul where I got stuck in stress for the last 2-4 weeks. I even got sick for it, heavy fever & cold at the same time. It was my body screaming & saying now you need to take time for you only! I could handle the work in the universities & working with collegues & people quite easily but it was the extra load of work outside of work that became my `bottleneck´. Many paperwork to finalize my migration in both the Netherlands & Chile left me with many calls, visits to offices, talking to people to solve issues. Ofcourse arranging a package to be sent to Chile also needed a lot of careful planing & arranging too. So it left me with to many things to do & add to that, that I am a very organized person & wish to arrange things to the very detail & me trying to write projects. It was simply too much & my soul gave me the exact right message in the right time. So Thank you!

I will add again some pictures for all of you to see. Amazing nature not failed to heal me as it always does! Remember: If you do not believe in miracles, you will never find them.

Love, happiness, health, space, good energy, good vibes & soul growth to all of you.

Big hugs (Helps us grow spriritually)


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Only in silence answers are found.

Actief sinds 16 Feb. 2017
Verslag gelezen: 1689
Totaal aantal bezoekers 85272

Voorgaande reizen:

13 Januari 2017 - 09 Juni 2017

Chile, South America

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